Tuesday 3 March 2015

City Window With Curly Fire Escapes Vintage Architect

They don't make windows like they used to, anymore - these picturesque old New York City brownstone windows each seem to have a different decoration on top, making the view just as interesting from the outside as it is from the inside, looking out onto the street. A lone tree just beginning to show its leaves after a cold spring heartens me after a long, cold winter. It is almost a stained glass or a Tiffany lamp look.

Colorful Old Buildings Of New York City Pop-art Style

I love experimenting with light, pattern, and color, and this scene of old New York City buildings lends itself well to a stylized pop-art style view of Manhattan.

Deli Grocery Architecture Of New York City

Elemental City - Fire Escape, Graffiti & Old Brownstone Buildings Of New York City

How many cities share these elements?

Fire escape, graffiti, and weathered old bricks ... not to mention a little hint of a restaurant down there along the lower left. It doesn't take much to speak "City."

Vintage New York Nostalgia - Gallery
Miriam Danar

This gallery is dedicated to bits and pieces of old-time New York, gathered from the streets, alleyways, storefronts, and memories of my childhood and that of my parents and grandparents. Enjoy this glimpse into the daily life of the past, that still may be found today. Some of these images are of modern times and places, but evoke a wistful kind of emotion. I will be adding images in the coming days, so please keep checking this gallery.

- Graffiti And Grand Old Buildings -

A subtle, jumbled beauty of a street scene - complete with graffiti and neon signs. There are many soft tones and colors to be found in the city. This would look good in anyone's living room, den, or office.

10 pm on 42nd Street New York City - Colorized

The misty night envelops the few cars out in the late-night hours of a midweek eve; clouds of fog drift in and out, glowing the headlights, and lending an atmosphere of romance and mystery to the city streets. Just another night of Noir in The City.

- Springtime In NYC by Miriam Danar -

A Little Bit Of Spring In The City

Spring is busting out all over; even the buildings seem to be jumping for joy as both branches and bricks stretch to the sky. We can look forward to more blossoms appearing as the days get warmer and spring advances!

New York City Street Scene - The Flowering Tree

Springtime In New York 6 - New York City Street Scene

Springtime In New York 8

This beautiful blossoming tree is seen in silhouette against the hard lines of tall city buildings, just as the first spring blooms are beginning to appear. It makes for a lovely abstract, almost like a Japanese print.

Springtime In New York by Miriam Danar

Springtime In New York 3 - New York City Street Scene

This is part of my Springtime in New York series ... there are many images that you can find here on my site. I was surprised to find so much of the natural world breaking through the brick and concrete of the city's winter face; a welcome sight after many months of ice, cold, and snow. No matter: spring is here, and the warmth of summer is not far behind! This was taken in midtown Manhattan on my daily photographic treasure hunt.

Spring Blossoms In The City - New York

This beautiful blossoming tree is seen in silhouette against the hard lines of tall city buildings, just as the first spring blooms are beginning to appear. It makes for a lovely abstract, almost like a Japanese print.

Springtime In New York - New York City Street Scene

This beautiful blossoming tree is seen in silhouette against the hard lines of tall city buildings, just as the first spring blooms are beginning to appear. It makes for a lovely abstract, almost like a Japanese woodcut print.

Umbrella Haven

Old Fashioned Lanterns Of New York City

Old Fashioned Lanterns - Orange Cloud

This double lantern makes a beautiful counterpoint in silhouette, below the orange cloud lit by a setting sun in a still-blue and aqua sky.

Old Fashioned Lanterns - Lone Sentinel

This lone sentinel stands valiantly against the approaching night.

Old Fashioned Lanterns - Sunset

These twin lanterns look gorgeous against the orange and blue sky of the setting sun.

Monday 2 March 2015

Sphere Within A Sphere Sculpture At United Nations

Sfera con Sfera, or Sphere within a Sphere, was created by Italian sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro, and presented as a gift to the United Nations by Italy in 1996. Many have speculated on its meaning; like all works of art, there is no single answer - each person must derive his or her own.

 Arnaldo Pomodoro - Wikipedia

Knotted Gun Sculpture At The United Nations

"Non-Violence" (also known as "The Knotted Gun") is a pro-peace sculpture by Swedish artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, designed in late 1980 and inspired by the shooting death of his friend, John Lennon. It was given to the UN by the government of Luxembourg in 1988.

 Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd - Wikipedia

The Variation Inspiration
Brings The Colors Of The Rainbow To You